For Monday 2 March

  1. Let me know (by the end of Sunday) which questions from the homework you need me to go through with you. In the video that follows are the solutions to most of the homework:              Video 1.  Watch from 5:40 – Ex7; Example 10; Ex 8;      Video 2. Next Ex8 1j 2b
  2. Do p157 Ex8 No1 g)-j); No2 and 3 a) & b) & complete p158-159 Worked eg11 & P159 Ex9 a,b,c for Tuesday.

Let me know (by the end of Monday) which questions from the homework you need me to go through with you.

Video 1:  Start at 5;40  Ex7; Example 10; Ex 8;

Video 2. Next Ex8 1j 2b

0a)  90 degree rule

0b)  derivation of identities

For Tuesday 2 March

  1. Go through the solutions I post on the egs from the homework that you need (once you have let me know).
  2. Do p159 Ex9 d,e,f for Wednesday and watch the video on Trig equations posted and do the worked egs from your summary with the video.

video Trig Eqns

