Gr10 FS Lesson 4 Thursday 6 February

1.  Check fractions up to Ex1.3 from Gr10 BK and Mark Partial Fractions Type 1 Act 33 1-8

2.  Do Partial Fractions type 2 Worked eg and Activity 34 1 & 2

3.  Homework Gr10 Textbook: p6 Eg 6 & 7 & p7 Ex1.4 No1-3 & Ex 1.5 No1-6 & Workbook Activity 33 no 9 & 10 and Activity 34 No 2-4

Video of lesson.

Gr10 FS Lesson 4 Thursday 13 February

1.  Marked homework on fractions & Partial Fractions Wrote test

2.  Went through test (See video) and then p15 Ex3.2 No2 – type 2 partial fractions (see video)

3.  Homework Gr10 Textbook: p15 Ex3.2 No3 & 4  & p 7 Ex 1.5 No7-9

Video of lesson.

Gr10 FS Lesson 5 Thursday 20 February

1.  Did Partial Fractions Type 3  and whole of Ex3.3

2.  Homework Gr10 Textbook: p7 Ex 1.5 No12.; Pg 8: ex 1.6 no. 1 and 3

Pg 90 in gr 9 workbook: activity 35 all type 3.

Video of lesson.