Analytical Geometry

Tuesday 9 July

  1.  Lesson 1.  Intro, General and gradient (See video)
  2.  Homework:  Do the red question, shown in class + eg 1 (a+b) + eg 2
  3.   Solutions to the Trig practice from term 2:  Gr10 Trig graphs practice solutions
  4.   Video

Wednesday 10 July

Gr10 classwork for Wed to finish for Thursday: P249 2 worked egs; p 250 worked eg; p260 Ex11.3 #1a,b 2a,b 3a, 4. p255 Worked eg – just a), p257 ex11.4 #1 a-d, 2 a,b (only i) 6a); p258 Ex11.5 #1a) leave 2 lines after each question

Thursday 11 July

1.  Mark homework and start midpoint  (see video)

2.  Homework:  on summary p 30 – Finish eg 1 and p 32 – eg 3 and Exam Trig graph question below: 

3.  Video

Friday 12 July

1.  Mark homework (See video 1) and start distance formula  See video 2

2.  Homework:  Textbook: p 244 Ex11.2 #1: e, f ; #2: c, d  #3: a, b, #4a  #7  #8  &  Trig question below:  Trig graph Exam q 2

3. Video 1


Video 2. More on distance formula

Monday 15 July

1.  Mark homework on two Trig graphs – see video 2

2.  Mark analytical homework from p 32 on summary  See video 1

3.  Cover co-linear and finding equations of lines between 2 points  See video 1

4.  Homework:  p256 2nd eg on the page & p257 Ex 11.4 #1e, 2e, 3a, b , 5a, b & 6. & 2a-d posted below

5. Videos

Video 1  Analytical Geometry – mark homework from p32 of summary & start co-linear and finding equations of lines between 2 points.

Video 2 Trig graphs from Exam Papers #1 & #2